“Even things that seem completely forgotten are present somehow and somewhere.”

- Sigmund Freud

Counselling and Psychotherapy are talking therapies for anyone who might be struggling in a specific area of their life, be it in a relationship or professional life, or is feeling a general sense of dread and overwhelm.

It is also for someone who wishes to break out of a place they feel stuck and into a new way of being in the world that they otherwise feel is beyond them. I work with people experiencing feelings of anxiety, low mood, low self esteem and with people who have experienced trauma. You do not need to know how you feel when you start therapy - much of the work is about learning to connect to that piece that is unknown or to tolerate what cannot be known.

Through the process of putting language on your experience, with a qualified psychotherapist like myself, in a safe, non-judgmental relationship, you may begin to understand something of the impact of that experience on your day to day life and relationships. I believe that our past relationships and experiences remain with us, whether consciously or unconsciously. These contribute to how we are and who we are and create patterns that we might seem unable to stop repeating. Through the process of psychotherapy, we can begin to think about that together. By noticing these patterns they are brought into your conscious mind where you can begin to effect change or tolerate new experiences in a different way.

Following an initial consultation, where your needs will be discussed and assessed, we will meet on a weekly basis, at the same time each week in my practice in Dublin City Centre or online. The length of time a person spends in therapy depends widely on the person’s needs. Bear in mind that it is a process and it takes time. As initial presenting issues are discussed in the here and now the unconscious will begin to emerge and it is by beginning to think about that, together, that real change can occur.