Hi, I’m Paul Hughes.
I have over fourteen year’s experience helping people to make sense of the struggles they encounter in their everyday lives. By experiencing a non-judgmental relationship in a containing and safe space with me, you can begin to think and talk about what is troubling and difficult for you, thereby allowing you to make more positive changes in your life. It is only when we get to know something of our difficulties and begin to notice how they affect us, in the here and now, that we can begin to think about changing our behaviour.
I am a Psychotherapist and Counsellor working with individuals and groups in private practice, in education settings and in professional work-places. I work with people from an integrative perspective meaning that while I utilise different models of psychotherapy and counselling, such as psychodynamic, person centred, humanistic and group analytic - I do so by meeting you where you are at and applying the most suitable model from there. My work is always led by you.
I am in my final year of study on a MSc. program in Applied Group Analytic Studies at UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science in St. Vincent’s University Hospital’s School of Psychotherapy. As well as holding an honours degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy I also hold a diploma in Group Work Practice and offer facilitated Support Groups and Reflective Practice Groups to organisations and communities.
Professional Memberships
I am a fully accredited member of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP), a registered member of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP) and a student member of the Irish Group Analytic Society (IGAS).